Classical Cartoon : Chubby Moves - Playful

Chubby Moves - Playful is one of the 3D motion packs of the Chubby Moves Combo. We highly recommend acquiring the Chubby Moves Combo, unlocking a world of vibrant performance animations for any plus sized characters. By leveraging identical ‘Sit Chair’ and “Sit Sofa’ animations in both the Chubby Moves - Playful and Chubby Moves - Bulky packs, you can create smooth transitions between the two. Extend this connection further to ‘Playful Stand’ or ‘Bulky Stand’, allowing you to effortlessly link various performances for a cohesive and dynamic scene.
FREE FOR DIAMOND MEMBERSOthers members can buy it with 35$
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To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

Downloaded & Tested .. Very Good Motions

Thanks for Sharing

thanks bro