DESCRIPTION:Meet the Bonkers. A wacky series of G3 characters , Taking full advantage of Cartoon Animators flexible bone system, these characters bend and tretch with realistic movement and you can apply side facing motions to them with great results
DESCRIPTION:Meet Mark from the Toons Folk series . Taking full advantage of Cartoon Animators flexible bone system, these actors bend and stretch with realistic movement, and you can apply side facing motions to them with great results.LOW FEEDBACK =
DESCRIPTION:Santas_EngineRoom01 Layered Background 3 different colored smoke Particle effects All effects loopEngineRoom02 Animated: Engine and smoke loop Snow and clouds loop Floating candlesMailRoom Animated Mail falling Static mound of mail
DESCRIPTION:Janora celestial animated props and FX pack. A whole new world that is customizable with vibrant and unique critters and plants, skies, floating mountains, clouds, landscapes, and an animated waterfall.For Cartoon Animator only: Actor >
DESCRIPTION:Winter Slopes 2 has two amazing landscapes included but as with Winter Slopes 1 the magic is that you can mix and match the layers to create so many more variations. Get them all to tell an even bigger story. These ctScene's for Cartoon A
DESCRIPTION:Toons Folk – Swimmer Download includes- – x2 Swimmer G3 actor (ctTBactor) files for Cartoon Animator 5 or higher – x1 with towel & x1 without towel -x1 Proof of Purchase prop (.ctprop) file – x1 Character title sheet – x2 Ch
DESCRIPTION:This ctScene is set up with correct z-axis layering for quality camera control and the ability to move your characters and props about within the scene in the correct perspective.LOW FEEDBACK = LESS FREE CONTENTWe always appreciate all do
DESCRIPTION:aussie, aussie pub, australia, bar, interior, interior buildings, kel harper, outback, outback pub, pubx2 zip files containing- x1 Cafe Interior Background (PSD & ctScene) files for Cartoon Animator x1 Pack title image x1 Proof of Pur
DESCRIPTION:Twenty scenes of stylized backdrop fences. No layers on these ones, for simple setup and use. Great for staging, conversations and introducing characters. Scene file set up for Cartoon Animator! CTA: v4.50 or above. 20 backgrounds, x20 PN
DESCRIPTION:Nuclear Family – Kitchen 94mb Download includes- x2 zipped file containing the following x1 Scene (ctScene & PSD) file for Cartoon Animator 5 or higher x1 Animated Rat Prop (ctProp) x10 Props (ctProp & PNG) x1 Pack title image x