Become Premium Or Diamond Member Now (New 2025 Period) !! You are Welcome!!

Become Premium OR Diamond member and benefit from exclusive packs + The latest versions of IC8.5 / CC4.5 & Cartoon Animator 5.3 . We have a diversified library that satisfies all your needs (+170 Premium Packs). The FIRST PERIOD 2025 will End on December 10, 2024, it costs $95. We accept: Paypal (Only : Family AND Friends Option), Payeer, Advcash, Bitcoin, USDT, Skrill and Neteller.Part of the Premium packs can be found here:https://kingdom3d.net/category.php?id=24
We have also a Special membership, called Diamond which will end on December 09, 2025, it costs $225 FOR LIMITED TIME (VALID UNTIL 10 DECEMBER 2024).. The Original price is 277$. A diamond member benefits from the same advantages as a Premium member + the possibility of downloading all the packs that exist in the section: BEST COLLECTION FOR DIAMOND !!
iclone 8/CC4 & Cartoon Animator 5.For any information you can contact me at this Email:
To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

- Thanks

Thanks a lot Bro
You're doing a great work .......................... :(

There is a section which contains only the valuable, high quality and exclusive packs. At the moment we have 20 Premium packs and 15 Platinum packs for iclone, 06 Cartoon Animator packs for premium and platinum members (Total of 12 packs). Almost every 12 days we add 1 iclone pack and a Cartoon animator pack.

الف مبروك اخي
وعقبال الف مشترك و زيادة كمان

Thank you . I sent an email please respond

I dont receive any e-mail bro.

Thanks for your great work!

Thanks a lot Bro
You're doing a great work .......................... :(

thank you dude

Thank you very much!

Im Happy to be a Premium Member. Thank You

100% bueno gran trabajo gr AYUDA saludos desde costa rica

Hi, you are doing a good job here
I will like to know the packages in the premium section before i register just like how i did with buhta but he is to slow with packs but i see you have good stuffs. if i can know what i am registering for will be a plus for me because i might have all the packs you cliam are for premium members and i wont be happy if i see that i cant get new stuffs for my registration thanks as i await your reply.

Good evening. + 20% of members are Premium members, and I believe they are satisfied with the content. there are also members who help us by making donations without compensation. In the Premium section we have until now +23 exclusive packs (And +15 Platinum packs) which are not found in Buhta; packs that are completely cracked. $ 60 is a symbolic price. the value of our packs is greater. Welcome anytime.

Thanks a lot Bro


great thank you

Thanks for this site. Buhta died when Zeus Died. It is good to have a better alternative

Thanks for the info, good to know that.

Thanks a lot

There are 5 months left for the start of the second period.
You are welcome.


Actually you are my super HERO Bro

Thanks a lot

I am definitely a premium member, superb packs, excellent quality, best shares ever, and very affordable too, I definitely encourage any one to join the premium membership I have no regrets, and I'm very thankful for all your excellent work, so far this site excels any other sharing site for iclone content, you are simply the best, I've known iclone for 15 years and know so many sites that share content but none like yours, keep up the good work.

We hope that we are always at your best opinion.
We also thank you for your great contributions.
Glad to have a Premium member like you.

These mocaps are simply spectacular, truly great

If I may say, I used to be a Buhta VIP member, his pack are not that great, his response is super slow takes almost 2 to 3 months to reply for packs ordered, so far this new site KINGDOM3D.NET is one of the best I've seen around the entire internet in regards to content, and support. The administrator of this site is super cool, not a stuck up like Zeus and other places, and I've known iclone for more than 10 years already and have had to spend A LOT of time finding decent content, this site does not have decent content but has superb content, I'm truly happy to have found it

Studio Mocap Series _ Shopping

You are doing great work bro

Thank you very much for this awesome pack

Can't wait for this

Gracias ...

Sir ur useing telegram or not

Hi sir, I have donated to become a platinum member


I confirm. It's a cave of Reallusion's precious packs. It's number one.

Hello my friend
I have donated to become a premium member.
many thanks


Please also add Payoneer as a payment method

Hi I made a donation
Glad to become a member of the premium club
Thank you so much
How can I actiave subscription?

Hi Control!!
Thank you for choosing Kingdom3D, Your account is now active.

Thank you

I cant wait to become a premium member

You are welcome !!

Thank you

Email me, I will change your username.

Hi there, I have donated to become a premium member

Привет. Скажите пожалуйста когда закончился или заканчивается мой премиум аккаунт 9 или в конце июня. спасибо друг

Hi Control !! Your membership was terminated on June 9 for the first period. We hope to see you again soon. Good Luck.

Thank you

Thank you

Eagerly waiting for upcoming premium packs

I have visited many sites, but Kingdom3D is second to none. Admin is so generous that he frequently uploads latest packs. A big thumbs up

Kingdom3D is the best Reallusion content site ever. I can testify. Admin is awesome and he frequently uploads latest packs. A very big thank you to the amazing admin and a very big thumbs up to the whole team.

kingdon is really king, love you

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the admin for such an outstanding resource. I'm really happy. And, hi to fellow members!

Thanks @admin ... having acquired the premium membership has been the best investment in my learning 3d 2021

There is no hesitation, kingdom3d is the best reallusion content site you will ever find. Others are either scammers, or just care about money and not users.Here admin will always try to find a solution for you (I once needed a free asset from the store but of course I couldn't download it from reallusion as I didn't have a license at that time. Admin downloaded the asset and send it to me in a way I could use it.) I will for sure renew my premium subscription.

This is amazing @admin. Can't wait for the new upcoming goodies.

Can one pay now to join the premium plan. Though its not yet *December

Yes You can.

If I pay and subscribe for premium now, when will the subscription validity period end

All information is here.

Hello Admin, I hope this message reaches you on time. Please can you create a Payoneer account and send me details so I can pay through that platform. Other platforms are not working for me.
Thanks and waiting for your response so I can join the Premium membership

Please do you accept payoneer as a means of payment? That is the only channel I can make use of for now.

I am so excited for the upcoming year. There would be jaw dropping contents. Can't wait. Thanks for your amazing work @admin.

Being a diamond member is an important privilege. thanks admin

Keep up the good work Admin!!

Thanks @admin.
Great work :)

I sent an e-mail. How can I get

Hello, is that trial version Cracked or full version cracked? In years, I nerver saw in my life any reallusion product full version cracked, only trial craked.

In our kingdom, you have to get used to our exclusive offers. Yes it is an original cracked version and not a trial version. Best Regards

Thanks. this is great

Thank you for all your hard work! I didn't realise my premium had run out - I'll donate again today

Thank you very much


I seem to remember there was more free cartoon animator content before.

Awesome site, I already donate and will so into the future, keep up the great work...

...............................................Thank you, Admen, for ALL your hard work

you are the only admin sharing quality content, thanks bro

I want to become a Diamond. I wrote to an email, but I haven't received a response yet

I think this page is the best on the internet, the admin is very generous and helpful, thank you admin for the great content

Superb! Eagerly Waiting..

Hi! I just signed up today and am eager to become a premium member. I sent you an email. Please respond as soon as you can. Thank you for all your hard work!


thank you so much

tgood job so great

Very very nice