Good health to all our dear members.
Recently, we have made many updates to facilitate your access to our Platform.
1- Adding the number of comments for each member ( In the coming months We will add new option :The member who does not participate at least once a month will be banned . Premium and Platinum members are excluded ).
2- The addition of the following mentions below the profile picture of each member: PREMIUM - PLATINUM - REGULAR
3- Now contacting us is easier than before, through the creation of a new clear and simple page.
4- For those who Email us about the password: For the millionth time, I repeat, the password is written below the link, the password is: KINGDOM3D.NET
5- Read Carefully Conditions – F.A.Q
6- If a member has a pack that we do not have, he can exchange it with us.
7- We thank our dear members who regularly make donations other than those related to Premium or Platinum Membership.
To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

Thank you Admin .
Great Update.



I think it is a good idea. Writing a single thank you never killed no one and it would at least show some concern for the wonderful job you do. Count on me for next session, people should be aware that the premium and platinum content you post each period is worth thousand of dollars (not including the programs you kindly send when required) and so paying for premium is really profitable. Keep up the good job

Let's see how it goes...

Thanks for your effort, my friend
Really cool work
I wish you progress always

Thank you Admin for the update and also for all the great work you provide
I want to continue with you as a premium member, When i pay today, I will become a premium member until 31.12.2021I
is that correct

amar 12
Yes if you renew your membership, you will continue to be premium until December 9, 2021 (Not December 31).
You are welcome !!

Thank you for your answer and sorry for the inconvenience
I can understand, if I renew my membership after 09.06.2021, I will continue to be premium member until December 31, 2021.
when this is correct, I will wait until 09.06.2021 and then I will renew my membership.
Thank you Admin

My answer is simple and clear.
If you renew your membership, you will continue to be premium until December 9, 2021
Premium members can renew their membership now. The second Period begins on June 10, 2021 and ends on December 09, 2021
يمكن للاعضاء البريميوم تجديد اشتراكهم من الان وذلك للاستفاذة من مزايا الفترة الثانية التي ستنتهي في التاسع من دسمبر 2021.
الاعضاء العاديين الذين يودون الالتحاق بنادي البريميوم للفترة الثانية يمكنهم البدء في التبرع ابتداء من التاسع من شهر يونيو 2021.

Thanks, it is great site. Enjoy.

Copy that, thanks. I like the updates to the site.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought the second period ends at 31.12.2021
I renewed my subscription today because your site is full of exclusive files
Thanks for your effort, Really cool work
شكرا على التوضيح. لقد اعتقدت أن الفترة الثانية تنتهي في 31.12.2021
جددت اشتراكي اليوم لأن موقعك مليء بالملفات الحصرية والقيمة
شكرا لجهودك ، حقا عمل رائع

I'll renew now thanks for the information

Thank you very much dear members for your Great Trust
A lot of Great Content await you in the second Period.
Premium members who have renewed their membership will receive the new passwords in the next few days.

I completely agree ... and even if at the beginning I forgot to do it now I am more diligent ... Thank you for the fantastic job!

I also renewed my membership.
Thank you for your great service.

Leido. Gracias por la informaciòn

Control !
Check your email .
Kind regards.

Thanks for the info, cheers

!Great Site, Thank you for your work

well thank you

Thank you

شكرا لكل الجهود الرائعة والمبذولة

Got it Thanks

thank you
Do you mean that you have to add at least one comment per month on the content to not get banned? Sorry for being confused.