Puppet Gems

Introducing "Puppet Gems" - Showcasing the power of Cartoon Animator's latest function "Motion Pilot" ! Unleash your creativity with preconfigured puppet profiles such as Transform, Wave, Motion, and Flock, providing endless opportunities to bring your images to life. Customize with ease using our ready-made samples, allowing for diverse and tailored outcomes. Dive into a collection of pre-made theme projects, each a captivating tale ready for your unique touch. Craft your own version of these compelling stories with "Puppet Gems". Pack includes: 72 Props9 CTA-G3-Free-Bones10 Projects7 G3 Actors52 Multi-Props93 Puppet Profiles
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To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

WOW CTA5.3 is a game changer. Thanks for the content.

nice, waiting for link

Very Much Waiting for This Thank you Soo Much Dear Admin


Thanks bro