Tank & Bernie
Cartoon 2D Animation presents, Tank & Brenie! Bernie is one of the few Dog Characters created for those comic strip style animation that will bring a comic strip look to any project. This pack comes with 7 different versions of Bernie, 2 Bernie Medics,2 Bernie Ready & Armed, 2 Private Bernie unarmed, and a Bernie in his undies. Bernie Medics, and Bernie Ready & Armeds are equipped 6 different weapons, AK47, M16, Bazooka, Shotgun, Uzies, and a pistol, and there are many motions for each weapons that Bernie carries, also he carries two back packs. Note: 1 Before buy watch this video to learn about how Bernie and the tank is made, and how to use them, Important! https://youtu.be/GzIwhZriXuo 06/11/2023 Pudate: Pack now comes with a Military Scene! The Pack also comes with a rigged Tank with Actions, and props for the Tank, shotgun, and Bazooka to help with animations. Update #2: 22/06/2023 Fixed a few sprite issues, now the muzzel flash for the uzie wont show up when using push up motions, also fix the action word sprites, now only shows up during the use of motions!
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Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.
Wow Thank you So much Dear Admin Boss Awesome.