Feed Back & Comments !!

Dear members, We have recently seen poor feedback. Plz Don't be lazy, your comments and reviews are important for us. Only 1% OF Members Comment. (Total of members : +9000 members)
For this reason we have decided to delete the innactive accounts and to stop the registrations of the new members from January 2024. Premium & Diamond members are excluded from the deletion of accounts.
FOR FORMER DIAMOND MEMBERS: December 06 is the last Day to have a Diamond membership with Only $ 244.
After this date the price for everyone will be $277 For Diamond members & 99$ For Premium members (no discount will be accepted)
The packs that we will publish this year are of great value. Our team also thinks of putting end to this membership (from 2025 the subscriptions will Change, Obviously the Diamond section packs will be canceled). Many things will change, only a pack at Reallusion Cost 150$ and above. For us we lose more than we win and despite that we continue to satisfy all the tastes.
To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

Good effort

Thanks for all :-)

Thank you for all you do. I am really grate

payment for the new term sent

may the new era bring beauty :)

thank u

Thank you Admin.

Thanks for everything, excellent content, Regards

Moc a moc za vše děkuji.Účet mi prosím nemažte.
, Awesome effort as always, big thanks