Studio Mocap-Office Work_Bundle

The Office Work pack offers a 2-in-1 combo: Working & Meeting, which is ideal for business animations and archviz projects. All motions are designed on the basis of daily office life in different scenes such as office, conference room, corridor, pantry room, elevator and so on. Scenarios include working alone, collaboration, meeting, reception, social and moving in work spaces!
Pack includes:(82) Motion
To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available
for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

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Pěkný balíček.Moc díky!!!

Actually you deserve more than thanks >> You are a HERO

hello if I ask, can you also give the studio mocap city life motion package?

Thanks bro

Thanks a lot

Thank You

Thank you very much

Thank you very much for this very nice package.

!Thank You


thank you so much

Hi Admin! Does this link still work
Thank you for the motions.